SATURDAY 23 November 2019

Throughout the 20th century, artists experimented with new techniques for creating their works, and profoundly transformed the concept of a work of art. Innovations in technology and the increasing availability of industrial materials allowed artists to exceed the thresholds of tradition and express themselves in ever more unconventional ways. This particular aspect constantly puts restorers to the test, continually faced with different conservation problems and materials, the precise composition of which is often unknown.


The guided tour will take place in the Contemporary Art Laboratory
Guided tour

Tour duration: 
1h 15'

10:00, 11:30, 14:00, 15:30

8 Euro per person
Free: Abbonamento Musei Torino Piemonte eTorino + PiemonteCard subscription holders 
Reductions: conditions indicated by the ticket office of the Reggia di Venaria

Booking is mandatory


For information and bookings

Information: 011 4993075/58, 3404844634,

Bookings: 011 4992333,

Tour start: Reggia di Venaria ticket office, via Mensa 34, Venaria Reale (TO)


Please be at the ticket office at least a quarter of an hour before the tour starts