The aim of the study is to verify the technical and economic feasibility of the installation of instruments and procedures to remotely monitor the ecclesiastic heritage throughout the Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta regions. The project aims to guarantee that ideal conditions are created to properly conserve heritage, with particular focus on aspects which, due to the particular nature of the materials and previous conservation history, are most vulnerable to environmental, natural and anthropic pressures.

The feasibility study for the broader remote monitoring project for the churches of Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta aims to define the requirements and ideal architectural/technical criteria for the sensor network hardware, and develop the prototype and integrated data collection and processing system.

To properly conserve the ecclesiastical heritage throughout Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta, the Centro adopts the concept of preventive conservation based on continual actions to prevent or reduce any degradation to the absolute minimum. This ensures adequate maintenance of the artefacts and the structures they are housed in through good management procedures and the appropriate microclimatic conditions.



From november 2017 to decembre 2020


Diocesi dei territori d’intervento del Piemonte e della Valle d’Aosta

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