The Centro’s educational services develop and provide informative educational projects to schools, young people, adults, professionals and people with disabilities.
Taking into account the different recipients of educational activities, they coordinate how the initiatives will be planned and implemented, identifying communication and mediation methods and preparing appropriate educational tools.
The commitment of the Educational Services to promoting conscious and responsible knowledge of cultural heritage, improving the skills and professionalism involved in conservation and restoration, is reflected in both the Centro's Laboratories and in the local area, through a network of collaborations that keeps on growing.
The highlight of the activities on offer is taking part in the Degree Course in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, as well as comparison and dialogue with other local cultural centres and museums in order to decide on how they can work together.
One particular aspect of the courses for schools, aimed at building relations with the works of art kept at the Laboratories, is the opportunity to meet the professionals directly involved in the restoration works (restorers and researchers, both humanistic and scientific), and discuss the themes presented.
One Saturday each month the Centro Conservazione e Restauro "La Venaria Reale" opens its doors to the public. Each appointment is dedicated to the study of two themes chosen by the Centre’s professional staff: restorers, art historians, architects and cultural heritage diagnostics experts.
From September, the calendar of guided tours will be available from October to December 2022
A causa dell’emergenza sanitaria in corso e delle misure messe in atto per il contenimento del COVID-19, le visite e le attività didattiche nei nostri Laboratori sono sospese.
Nonostante la chiusura, abbiamo pensato di portare avanti alcune iniziative per continuare a lavorare insieme e per essere di supporto ai docenti che stanno continuando a fare lezione ai loro alunni da casa.