Valeria Arrabito is the youngest General Director of the Italian Committee of the International Council of Museums. She manages the Italian Secretariat, in collaboration with the ICOM International Secretariat in Paris.

She has organized and supervised over 50 national and international Conferences on important topics such as: Museology, Museography, Museum Management and Communication. And she has closely worked with Public Museums, Foundations, enterprises, NGO, Intergovernmental Organization, Ministries, National and Regionals’ Cultural Department, etc. She managed as well the organization and supervision of exceptional events like the 24° General Conference ICOM in 2016 (that was held for the 2nd time of the history of ICOM in Italy and specifically in Milan) and yearly, since she was employed by ICOM, the International Museum Day. Thanks to her studies and her knowledge she is involved in the valorisation of the cultural heritage, following as a consultant museums and non-profit organizations. She is also a visiting professor in several Italian Universities.

Valeria Arrabito studied Geography in Milan majoring in Sustainable Tourism on Cultural Heritage Sites. For four years, she worked at the Italian Touring Club as a Data Scientist on the development of Tourism marketing plans and strategies. Through data analysis and on-site visits, she conducted the audit of the main assessment criteria used for the evaluation of the Orange Flag’ Award (she personally visited more than 150 towns throughout Italy).The Orange Flag is an award for Quality Recognition given by the Touring Club Italiano to small towns. The selection criteria are excellency in tourism, hospitality and environment.The Orange Flag Award is the only Italian project of its kind to be listed by the WTO among programs for the sustainable development of tourism. She then widened her education attending several master and specialization courses regarding the management of the non-profit organizations with a main focus on the fundraising and the management of the human resources, the relationships with the investors and the sponsors and the connections with the public administration. She has also acquired a deeper knowledge of the italian legal aspects connected to the “Third Sector Code” (in Italian, Enti del Terzo Settore – ETS), the code of law that regulate the non-profit organizations in Italy.