The five-year Master’s Degree course in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, offered by the University of Turin through the Centro Conservazione e Restauro "La Venaria Reale", is a training course with qualification in accordance with Leg. Dec. No. 42/2004
The Degree Course training activities are coordinated by the S.U.S.C.O.R. – University Structure specialising in Science for the Conservation, Restoration and Valorisation of Cultural Heritage, involving the faculties of Historical Studies, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Sciences, Life Sciences and Systems Biology.
The five-year degree course is recognised by the joint MiUR – MiBAC technical commission, which operates at national level to ensure the criteria and quality of courses in the field of restoration (in accordance with Ministerial Decree no. 87 dated 26 May 2009). The places available on the five different Professional Training Courses are defined on an annual basis:
The continuous and productive interaction between the University and the Centro has enriched the range of training available with important research projects and collaborations including, for example, projects with the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, the National Institute for Nuclear Physics, Turin, and the European Network for Conservation - Restoration Education (ENCoRE), of which the SUSCOR is the only Italian member.
These collaborative initiatives also include the Summer School on "ART & LAW: Identity and Conservation of Contemporary Artworks: duties and responsibility" was organised in 2017 and, in 2018, the Winter School “Public & Heritage. Understanding, documenting and passing on Cultural heritage".
One of the courses held by the winter school, dedicated to valorising the research and documentation produced by the University and the Centre, involved students in the creation of the exhibition entitled “Pompeiana Fragmenta. Conoscere e conservare (a) Pompei”, inaugurated at the Centre in late 2018.